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Fees for registering Guam trademarks

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Service Process

Trademark registration time

Guam is located at the southernmost point of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean, and its official languages are Chamorro and English. In 1950, the United States declared the island as an "unincorporated territory" and placed it under the jurisdiction of the US Department of the Interior. Therefore, the island is a US overseas territory, and US registered trademarks can automatically extend protection to the island without the need to apply for separate protection in that region.

Trademark Registration Process

Trademark registration materials

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Trademark searchTrademark search
Trademark search
How about your trademark application success rate? We will provide you with sophisticated trademark research which will enable you to ensure the success of your trademark registration.
Trademark MonitoringTrademark Monitoring
Trademark Monitoring
Our monitoring system tracks trademark registrations in over 100 countries simultaneously and provides timely alerts.
Trademark registrationTrademark registration
Trademark registration
Hire our local trademark attorneys to file your trademark for registration. Take advantage of our simple, fast and efficient process.
Trademark renewalTrademark renewal
Trademark renewal
Our attorneys will prepare and file a renewal application for your trademark to ensure your trademark is protected for the next 10 years.

Start Registration

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