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Fees for registering Timor-Leste trademarks

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Service Process

Trademark registration time

There is currently no relevant trademark law or trademark authority in Timor Leste, making it impossible to conduct trademark searches and registrations, and this situation may continue for a long time in the future. The usual practice for trademark protection in Timor Leste is to publish warning notices in large local newspapers declaring trademark rights, which is currently the most effective method for trademark protection in Timor Leste.

Trademark Registration Process

In the event of infringement, although protection can be achieved through prior use of trademarks, well-known trademarks in other countries, etc., warning notices are undoubtedly the most direct and commonly used tool for safeguarding rights. The function of a warning announcement is not only to declare one's own trademark rights, but also to warn others not to use the trademark without authorization, otherwise infringement lawsuits will be filed. The trademark owner shall regularly publish warning notices, generally once every 2 years, and may arrange for re publication 2 months in advance to maintain the validity of the trademark, while also serving as a basis for future rights protection.

Trademark registration materials

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Trademark renewal
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